- to strengthen the body
- to become more agile
- make your joints more supple and pain free
- to make the spine more flexible
- practice with other participants in your age group
- and above all to have a lot of fun and to be in a good mood :))))
Beschreibung unserer Kurse:
Sunshine and Relax Yoga -
Yoga for beginners and intermediate - holistic yoga with different relaxation and
breathing exercises, asanas, sun salutation. Also bookable as a
prevention course. For relaxation and as a prophylaxis.
Yogilates - Mixture of yoga and Pilates, we practice to music and combine asanas with flowing movements from Pilates.
- this health course is for people which instead of Yoga want
to do light exercises while sitting, standing and lying down. The
participants find it particularly pleasant to practice in the same age
group. We train with belts, balls, light weights and resistance bands.
Qi Gong - A wonderful course in which you will learn to activate your life
energy with ancient, gentle and flowing techniques - exercises from Qi
Yoga at the beach -
every Wednesday morning in the summer months at 9.00am and autumn and winter at 10.00am, weather permitting, the yoga class takes place
on the beach. We usually meet in front of the yoga studio. The yoga mats
are provided if you do not have a yoga mat. Talk to us beforehand.
Yoga for Eyes - Eye training for better eyesight
Yoga for the ringing in the Ears/Tinnitus - In
this course, many different relaxation techniques and yoga exercises
are learned, which are particularly effective in relieving tension in
the neck, shoulder, jaw and back area.
With some self-massage techniques from Ayurveda, blood circulation and relaxation of tense areas are promoted. On request
Every Wednesday at 10am Morning Yoga on the Beach. Meeting point: the Yogastudio
Registration Whatsapp: +34644597353
He was one of the great yoga masters of the 20th century and is the spiritual force behind the Yoga Vidya centers. He wrote over 200 books and inspired millions of people around the world. Today, more than 20 million people worldwide learn and practice his holistic style of yoga. His motto: "Serve, love, give, purify, meditate and realize"
that is to say as a path of exercise that offers us the means to become whole. When I am whole, I have the feeling that I am not missing anything. Yoga is also a spiritual path in in the sense that it leads us back to our own inner sources and gives us opportunities to experience that these sources are connected to the great, inexhaustible source of life and consciousness.A access to these sources is the mental alignment with our inner light It is the light of our consciousness, our vitality and creativity, the light that enlightens us and shows us our way. It is the light that we with our love, our kindness, our compassion and our kindness out of ourselves into the world Let shine and that other people perceive it as our charisma.
Excerpt from the book The Yoga Health Book by Anna Trökes.