Ayurveda encompasses the healing of the body, mind and soul

The tradition of Ayurveda goes back more than 5000 years and is still practiced and taught. Three great scholars who were priests and doctors at the same time - Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata, wrote the oral tradition. Her textbooks are still used in Ayurvedic schools. Ayurveda teaches us how to maintain health, vitality and joy of life into old age. The heart of Ayurveda is teaching about the doshas - bioenergies - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. According to this, every human being has a certain combination of this energy in his disposition. This unique human nature (prakruti) is the key through which one can impart suitable foods, spices, lifestyle, yoga, breathing exercises, etc.

These three doshas consist of 5 elements. In fact, the whole world is made up of these 5 elements. They support life and maintain harmony in the world. However, when they are out of whack, they can cause many ailments. Every being has all the elements, but the combinations and proportions are different and unique for everyone. The task is to maintain your own unique combination and thus prevent diseases. The Vata Dosha stands for air and space, Pitta for fire with water and Kapha for water and earth. These proportions and combinations are determined at the time of fertilization based on the parents' genetics, lifestyle, diet and emotions. Most people have a combination of 2 doshas. There are 7 different combinations of the doshas.
The Vata Dosha stands for air and space, Pitta for fire with water and Kapha for water and earth. These proportions and combinations are determined at the time of fertilization based on the parents' genetics, lifestyle, diet and emotions. Most people have a combination of 2 doshas. There are 7 different combinations of the doshas.
Beauty care and detox program

Ayurveda is a holistic health system from India and means the knowledge of a long and healthy life. The focus of Ayurvedic beauty care is the person's personality. To promote this and to bring it into harmony with oneself and with the laws of nature and the universe.
That is the main aim of Ayurveda. What is special about Ayurveda?
Can she give us something new, reveal the secret of beauty, youth and health?
Yes, it can!
The ancient Indian doctrine of Ayurveda knows many skin rejuvenating agents.
Get to know the Ayurveda fountain of youth and let yourself be surprised.
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